

Corruption, both in the public and private sectors, constitutes a drag on free competition and the development of markets, increasing the costs of doing business and introducing uncertainty in commercial transactions. Corrupt practices, unfortunately widely spread, raise serious economic, ethical and political concerns, discrediting public institutions and discouraging domestic and foreign investment, which can negatively affect economic growth.
Hebron, S.A. deeply convinced of the need for all social actors to contribute to eradicating such a despicable practice, expresses its firm commitment to act under the principles of integrity, transparency, and compliance.

Hebron does not tolerate corruption or bribery under any scenario or in any territory where it operates, promotes ethical behavior among its workers and discloses this commitment to all its workers, collaborators and interest groups; defines and implements anti-corruption actions, contributing to the construction of a business culture based on principles of trust, transparency, responsibility and integrity in all actions.

Hebron encourages internal and external stakeholders (workers, collaborators and third parties) to report bribery or any infraction or weakness in the management system against bribery to the Compliance Committee.